
On 3 November 2020, France compétences organised the annual “training quality” conference. The purpose of this conference, provided for by the Professional Future Law, was to compare the standards of the HCERES [High Council for the Assessment of Higher Education and Research] and the CTI [Engineering Qualifications Commission] with the criteria set out in the national quality standard. The results of the comparative analysis conducted by France compétences with the HCERES and the CTI confirm that the quality requirements of higher education institutions correspond to the national standard.

The conference was notably attended by the HCERES, the CTI, the DGEFP [General Delegation for Employment and Vocational Training] and the DGESIP [General Directorate for Higher Education and Professional Integration].

Public higher education establishments accredited after assessment by the HCERES, private higher education establishments assessed by the CCESP [Consultative Committee for Private Higher Education] and establishments assessed by the CTI [Engineering Qualifications Commission] are considered to meet the quality certification obligation provided for by the Professional Future law of 5 September 2018. Pursuant to the obligation to allow employees to choose their professional future down by that law, the first quality conference organised by France compétences was held on Tuesday, 3 November 2020. This aims to contribute to “achieving the objective of achieving consistency in the criteria for assessing the quality of training courses.”

On this occasion, France compétences presented the results of its comparative analysis of the national standard with the HCERES and CTI standards. This work, carried out in liaison with the two agencies, confirms the almost total convergence of the assessment standards with the requirements of the national quality standard, developed, we recall, as the result of a partnership approach initiated by the DGEFP. HCERES and CTI then presented their respective action plans aimed at correcting the few differences observed.

At the conference, the representatives of HCERES and CTI also announced the launch of a large communications campaign aimed at networks and higher education establishments on the theme of quality.

Visibility of higher education establishments meeting quality requirements

One of the main outcomes of the conference was to shed light on the visibility of higher education establishments meeting quality requirements. The DGEFP and the DGESIP took advantage of the conference to present the work undertaken to adapt the public list of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Integration, available at, in order to identify the all training organisations that comply with the quality requirements provided for by the law of 5 September 2018. The list will include providers of skills development actions certified on the basis of the national quality standard, as well as higher education establishments that have satisfied assessment by the HCERES, the Consultative Committee for Private Higher Education and the CTI.

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