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France compétences can provide a certificate of registration in the EQF [European Qualifications Framework].
However, if you are setting up as a tradesman, the competent authority in the country to which you are moving (chamber of commerce, department of trade and industry, etc.) must apply to the competent authority in the country where the qualification was issued to check whether that qualification exists and whether you are entitled to practice in France, after receiving supporting documents from the applicant (copy of the qualification and translation). This check is carried out via the Internal Market Information (IMI) system. The competent authority (in France) responds, also via IMI, and closes the case.
This process is governed by the qualifications recognition directive: REGULATION (EU) NO 1024/2012 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 October 2012, on administrative cooperation through the Internal Market Information system.
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